Alignment Yoga

Focuses on alignment posture and details

Alignment Yoga works with different body types using various types of props and techniques to transform the bodies. The practice focuses on anatomical details and the alignment of each posture and is designed to suit your individuality. Hence, you do not need to be flexible or balanced to join. We work on: 

Alignment Yoga - Fundamental
This class is suitable for continuing beginners or students who want to focus on the foundation of the practice. Students will be guided step-by-step through the fundamental postures and actions within standing poses, seated poses, twists, and forward bending. Inversions such as Halasana (plow pose) and Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) are introduced and refined.

Alignment Yoga – Open Levels
This class is appropriate for a range of students and provides a challenge for those with experience. Inversions, such as Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) and Sirsasana (Head balance), and Full Arm balance, as well as seated, twisting, forward bending and backbending postures are included.

Class Details

Beginners | Intermediate


Balanced Alignment Yoga Poses at Cucala Dance: Practitioners focusing on precise alignment for strength and balance

Anh Tran


Drop-In: $21

5 Class Pass: $100

10 Class Pass: $180

How to sign up for class:

1. Sign up online using Punchpass, or just walk in a few minutes before class.

2. Arrive at the Studio a few minutes early.

3. Namaste!

Alignment Yoga Class Schedule

Mindful Alignment Yoga Practice at Cucala Dance: Participants engaging in mindful poses for a balanced practice.

Alignment Yoga - Open Levels
w/ Anh Tran
Monday 7:30PM | Friday 5:30PM | Saturday 10AM

47-10 32nd PL, 2nd FL
Long Island City, NY 11101


Centering Alignment Yoga Postures at Cucala Dance: Practitioners finding center through alignment-focused poses.

Alignment Yoga - Fundamental
w/ Anh Tran
Monday 6PM | Tuesday 12PM

47-10 32nd PL, 2nd FL
Long Island City, NY 11101
